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Pink Amoeba


Pink Amoeba

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sold out

Pink Amoeba

Sale Price:$1,111.00 Original Price:$1,444.00

I made this Amoeba as a stand alone piece for myself and I’m finally ready to part with it. This isn’t part of the numbered series which, in my opinion, makes it extra special. I enlarged the traditional Amoeba pattern to make this and tested out color palettes, jewels and techniques. I’ve had this hanging in my studio for 3 years, inspiring other works and now it can be yours.

It comes with a mouthblown rondel Nucleus from Moncarch Studios , glass jewels, high quality stained glass, custom kiln-formed speckled guts from Hannah Gregory, and wire detailing.

Please allow for any minor marks/imperfections on the glass - these markings are (as Tom Sachs would suggest) proof that his was made by human hands and not a machine.

Amoebas are approximately 21”x13” and come ready to hang with attached chain that can be customized prior to shipping (please email me within 48 hours of purchase with desired chain length). Amoebas are designed to hang in a window where light can pass through them.

These are heirloom pieces, designed to last for decades with proper care and handling.

Solder contains lead - wash hands thoroughly after handling.

Please allow 7-10 business days for shipping.

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